1 - 2: 無測量の値へ贈る器 (The things that are not measurable), Handmade Washi Paper Yarn, Stainless Steel, 300 x 200 x 200 cm, Exhibition at Okinawa prefectural University of Art
I made a tool to make a strip of paper, and made a pattern based on the difference in appearance between where the twist was applied and where it was not. This illuminated object casts a shadow on the floor. An object floating in the space made of this paper sways gently when if a person passes by. The shadow also sways like wandering in space. A vessel that tries to accept invisible things, such as indefinite joy and sorrow.
3 - 4: 縁 (=EN, connection), Handmade Washi Paper Yarn, Acrylic Board, 210 x 90 x 90 cm, 2009, Exhibition at Okinawa prefectural University of Art
The edges of the washi paper are soft and non-straight lines are beautiful to me. One of the purposes is to make a yarn that makes use of the lines through which the fibers can be seen. I made tools of this structure to make paper into the shape of threads for use the fiber of Kozo. I made a three-dimensional object using the thread. There are two kinds of thickness of the thread, and the bundle of the thread with a different thickness each makes a visual work that changes the appearance.
2 - 4: Photography by Daniel Lopez
1 - 2:無測量の値へ贈る器、手作り和紙糸、ステンレス、300 x 200 x 200 cm、沖縄県立芸術大学、沖縄
3 - 4:縁、手作り和紙糸、アクリル板、210 x 90 x 90 cm、沖縄県立芸術大学、沖縄
和紙の端は柔らかく、直線ではないその耳の線が綺麗でその和紙の魅力を残した和紙の糸を作り、和紙を撚らずその耳を活かすことを目的とした。この糸を作る為の道具を作成し、何度か実験を重ねた。これは溜め漉きの方法をとっており、ふっくらとした厚みのある糸が出来た。繊維長の長い楮の繊維を使った糸状の和紙。その糸と比較の為、流し漉きの和紙を撚ったものを合わせ、立体物を作った。2種類の異なる太さの糸の束がそれぞれ違った視覚効果を生み出す。 また、鏡状になっているアクリル板を上下に配置し、どこか見えなくなるまで線が連続する視覚的効果の実験。
2 - 4:写真:ダニエル・ロペス